How to design a newsletter that generates conversion

[Study] How to design a newsletter that generates conversion

From ADGTravel and Hotelinking, we have conducted a global benchmark study on newsletters. In it, we analyse the messages and their usability to evaluate their effectiveness and conversion power.

Our brain processes a great deal of information every second. Right now, if you take a look around you, 100 million neurons in your retina process each one of the corners of the room you are in, in high resolution and several times per second. However, we are only aware of 40 % of these data we analyse.

This is why it is said that human beings are irrational and visual. Of all the stimulus and signals we receive, our memory only files those that have an emotional charge, therefore directly influencing our behaviour and decisions.

Did you know that emotional campaigns have better results than those mixing emotion and reasoning?*

How does this affect marketing?

Knowing the cognitive processes of human beings is fundamental for marketing, to understand how people perceive and understand what is around them to therefore create campaigns that last in the memory (and heart) of the recipient. If copywriting and usability techniques are also applied to these campaigns, they will be even more effective, and our message will reach the final user even better.

Which are these techniques? How do they improve the effectiveness of the campaigns? How are they applied in hotels?

The answer to all these questions can be found on the ADG Travel study we have collaborated in. In it, we analyse 40 examples of hotel newsletters considering scientific persuasion, copywriting and usability techniques to check the effectiveness of their messages and evaluate their conversion power.

Download the study and improve your email marketing campaigns:

Analysing newsletters: why?

According to data from the DMA (Data and Marketing Association) when comparing email with other marketing channels, this presents the best ROI with an average of 122 %. This figure is four times higher than the ROI other channels such as social media may have.

Email marketing is not dead and, according to data, it is a channel in which it is very profitable to invest versus other channels and this is why it should be optimised.

At the same time, it is a channel where copywriting and usability are crucial and hence it is the best setting to analyse techniques and gather insights that may be applied to other marketing channels.

In the study you will discover:

The study also includes a do’s and don’ts chapter with the principles to consider to manage that a newsletter persuades, converts and moves the reader.

You will also find an online tool to test the effectiveness of your newsletters and check if they are close to generating conversion.

If you want to create professional newsletters and, most of all, newsletters that generate conversion, you only have to download the study and start working on your email marketing campaigns now.

*IPA (UK, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising).