Tag: Hotel Data

Interviews 3:00 Min read

Rafel Crespí Cladera (UIB and Cátedra Banca March de la Empresa Familiar): “Hotel companies have a large amount of information that can generate a lot of added value when managed properly.”

Rafel Crespí Cladera is Business Administration Professor at the UIB and Manager at Cátedra Banca March de la Empresa Familiar.

Adrián Martorell Palau Marketing Specialist
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third party cookies hotels
Marketing 2:30 Min read

How to survive to a world without third-party cookies

Having your own databases and tools to collect user information on your hotel’s website will be crucial after this change in the game rules expected in 2024.

Raúl Beltrán
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build a data base for hotels
Marketing 6:30 Min read

How to build a quality database for hotels.

The importance of a good database for hotels lies in having methods that enable their collection and subsequent processing safely and efficiently.

Marga Escandell Content Manager
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Marketing 4:20 Min read

Email Marketing Guide: How to obtain direct bookings from repeat guests. Email marketing versus other sources of traffic.

Email marketing is the best strategy to generate direct bookings from repeating guests and help reduce CAC.

Marga Escandell Content Manager
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How can email marketing lead repeat guests’ reservations to the direct channel?
Marketing 3:45 Min read

Email Marketing Guide: How can email marketing lead repeat guests’ reservations to the direct channel?

Learn all the strategies, technologies, tips and tricks to turn email marketing into a powerful channel to disintermediate bookings. In each article we teach in a practical way and with examples everything you need to implement in your campaigns. Ready to launch your email marketing strategy? Let’s start!

Marga Escandell Content Manager
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What methods can a hotel use to capture guest data?
Technology 3:20 Min read

What methods can a hotel use to capture guest data?

Capturing guest data is the strategy which best enables your hotel to get to know the target group and improve your services by adapting them to suit guest preferences.

Daniel Alzina CEO de Hotelinking
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