Cendyn integration

Hotelinking connects with the hotel CRM Cendyn

Hotelinking is integrated with Cendyn, so if you want to have a quality CRM for your hotel, this is the time.

Cendyn is a CRM, marketing automation, sales and support platform, that allows businesses to acquire, segment and engage their customers; creating better experiences and building loyalty across email, website notifications, mobile applications, sms, push and chat.

It offers a complete CRM specific for the hotel sector with multiple features such as automated pre, during and post-stay communications that are easily activated and the management of multi-channel campaigns to communicate with clients, using a combination of two or more channels (email, push and sms).

This integration between Hotelinking and Cendyn allows hotels to have a better understanding of their guests thanks to data consolidation, a more effective relationship management and greater traceability of all actions, as well as an accurate measurement of the return on investment of loyalty and marketing campaigns and strategies.

What does this integration mean for Hotelinking clients?

On one hand, the data captured through Hotelinking’s captive portal together with the data from the PMS and the booking engine will be automatically integrated and stored in the CRM, without the need for any additional steps.

On the other hand, this enriched database will allow to create more precise segmentations of guests and clients on Cendyn, an essential step to carry out effective email marketing campaigns to gain guest loyalty and drive reservations to the hotel website.

With this new integration, Hotelinking aims to continue to increase the number of technology providers with which it works and thus facilitate connection with the platform and ensure that a hotel can make the most of the data obtained through the captive portal.

Hotelinking is now integrated with the most well-known PMS, booking engines and WiFi providers in the market, in addition to facilitating integration with other systems, including their own. These integrations avoid duplications, unnecessary or erroneous records and facilitate resource optimisation, in addition to increased process efficiency.

If you wish to find out more about how Hotelinking can integrate with your other providers, contact our specialised consultants and resolve all your queries regarding the integration process.